Last Journey

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Last Journey is the first adult novel by Sydney author R. D. Morrison. A courageous book, it tackles some of the hard issues about life in Sydney, Australia. But its themes are universal and timely as we enter a new millennium in which we will hopefully be energised by a sense of greater social responsibility.

Retired Sydney doctor Gabriel McLeish is a charismatic man on a mission. Better known as “The Archangel” to his elderly friends, he helps them set up a refuge for homeless children in the harbour suburb of Manly. “The Pilgrims”, as they call themselves, quickly run up against Jack Kaldec, drug pusher and procurer of children for prostitution. Kaldec will stop at nothing to keep his dark world just as it is. But he hasn’t counted on crossing swords with The Archangel...

R. D. Morrison, already recognised as an accomplished novelist for older teenagers, extends his range in this intriguing and unusual adult novel. Showing sensitivity and concern for a sector of our young people often shunned by society, he explores pressing questions such as whether we can really choose our own destiny, and whether the struggle between good and evil can ultimately be won.